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Hajj Resources for Kids

Hajj Resources for Kids

We spend so much time on Ramadan and Eid ul-Fitr, it’s easy to feel like Hajj season just creeps up on us!

This year with Hajj being right in the middle of summer break and with start of school right around the corner, things are getting quite busy. When the kids asked about Hajj and what it means this morning, I realized I need to get started and help them understand the best way I can

Sharing the various resources I’ve been looking for including Hajj lapbooks, coloring pages, story books, movies, audio, and Hajj related activities. Here I’ve listed some to help teach kids about Hajj, the history of the Kaba, and the story of Ibrahim, in sha Allah.

Coloring Pages and Lapbook

Books and Games

  • Adventures of Imam Adam: This is a plush toy of Imam Adam along with a story book showing Imam Adam's journey to Hajj and explaining the five pillars of Islam.
  • Ibrahim the Builder: A delightful book explaining the building and importance of the Kabaa and its significance to Muslims.
  • Yan's Hajj A story of Yan-  a big-hearted young man determined to perform Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah. 
  • An Ocean in One Drop:  A tale of Hajar at Hajj
  • Going to Mecca:  Come with the pilgrims as they set out on a journey, a journey of patience to the city of Mecca.
  • Peg and Cat The Eid Al Adha Adventure  What happens when you take from where there's more and give to where there's less? While visiting friends Yasmina and Amir, Peg and Cat learn some surprising things about a holiday tradition.
  • The Green Dinosaur Adventure  A beautiful Hajj story about kindness, diversity and love. 


The Story of Zam Zam by Islamic Playground

The Well of Zam Zam by Zaki and Friends

Crafts and More

Lego Hajj Diorama by Muslim Learning Garden

Hajj Word Search by A Crafty Arab

Paper Plate Sheep Craft by In the Playroom

Pom Pom Sheep Garland from Coffee with us

Sheep Cupcakes 


Hope you all find these helpful. If you have any resources you'd like to share please leave a comment below. 

1 comment

  • Awesome resources! Mashallah, Allahuma Barik. We also offer a Hajj Guide called The Happy Hajj on our community blog at Muslim Homeschoolers Unite!


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