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Ramadan Crafts for Kids

Ramadan Crafts for Kids

Some Fun Ramadan crafts and activities for kids of all ages. These are so fun to keep kids busy during Ramadan. Every Ramadan I try and use these activities with my kids to keep them engaged while learning about Ramadan and Eid. I hope you find this list helpful. It is not complete in any way as there are way too many talented people and blogs who share great activities and printable. If you know of some other fun activity that you do with your kids, please share them below in comments. 

Bismillah Placemat


The placemat is so versatile and can be used beyond Ramadan and Eid. Your child will have fun customizing it in their favorite colors. 


Crescent Moon Felt Magnet

This would be fun to make with the lder kids. Very simple and fun to use around the house. 


  My First Dua Book

This cute activity is so fun for little ones to make and keep. It can be a bedtime book too. 


Sadaqah Jar

Sadaqah (charity) is important in Islam and its so important to raise kids knowing the importance of giving to charity without a second thought.


 A to Z Islamic activity book 

A complete activity book for kids to keep them engaged and learn.


Craft Paper Prayer Mat

 This is a great project to do with a group of children.  The supplies are simple and the mess factor is low.  Try offering this craft at a family iftar dinner or during a Eid party.


30 days of gratitude Ramadan challenge

 This activity is fun for school aged kids. There are simple questions that can be easily answered by kids and turned into great discussions and conversations.


Moon Sighting Binoculars

Get kids involved in the tradition of moon sighting with binoculars they can help put together. It’s a great way to encourage pretend play for toddlers and preschoolers and big kids won’t mind a peek through the binoculars either!


Origami Star Eid Necklace

 This is such a cute craft and activity that I had to include it in the list. It is a paper origami star with beads.


Crescent Eid DIY card

 With Eid Card Exchanges on the rise and relatives living far away, these cute DIY Eid cards are perfect for kids to make and send to family and friends. 


Pipe cleaner gift toppers

 Aren't these just cute and so much fun to make with kids. 


Rice crispy treats

 Crescents in the kitchen? Yes please. A fun and engaging activity to do during Ramadan with kids. 


Good Deed Tree

 The concept of being rewarded for good deeds and acts of kindness is something that can be taught to children at a very young age.


Crescent moon and star mobile

This mobile is again super cute and can be personalized with your child's choice of color. 


And best of all READ to kids. There are so many great books about Ramadan and Eid for kids. Few of them are in our store. 

Ramadan Around The World                                  

Ramadan Around the World                          30 Hadith for Kids


  Musa and Friends                                         Arabic Alphabet Books



23 Duas for Kids                                           The Prophet Series



My First Quran Book with Pictures               My First Quran Activity Book

The Eid Book

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